SAT, MAY 18, 11AM - 5PM

40+ Small Shops |  Food Trucks | DJ | Live Music | Selfie Station | Face Painting |  Balloon Artist | Cotton Candy Cart |

11AM - 5PM  |  3909 S. 7th at The Cloisters | No Admission

Join the party, May 18th, to celebrate Makers + Creators 2yrs, Do It Your Selfie’s 1yr, and The Backspace farewell to say hello to the new headquarters for 3310 Connections! Shop from our spring vendor lineup of jewelry, apothecary, apparel, accessories, home goods, woodwork, artful goods, + more!


Before applying be sure you review the Vendor FAQs to learn more!

We’ll be in touch soon!




B L O C K P A R T Y //

Vendor faqs

How do I become a Vendor?

Complete your Vendor Submission Form by May 1st. Submitting your form does not guarantee you a booth spot. Space is limited so we will choose vendors based on timely submissions, versatility, and space availability.

How much does a booth cost and what size are they?

We have various booth options:

  • Parking lot arena near food trucks - 4.5’ deep x 6’ wide’ - $65

  • Parking lot arena near food trucks - 10 x 10 (tent included) - $150

  • Parking lot arena near food trucks- 5’ deep x 10’ wide (half tent included) - $100

  • Indoor set-up in studio (chairs included) - 4.5’ deep x 6’ wide’ - $85 (convenience of optional set-up the day before event) - Only 7 spots!

  • The Cloisters courtyard 4.5’ deep x 6’ wide’ - $55

What is included with my booth?

Unless we have specified that a tent, table, or chairs are incuded, the booth simply provides you with the square footage space for you to do your set-up.

Will I have a wall behind me?

We cannot guarantee that you will have wall behind you. Think of our pop-ups as farmers market open air events. You are welcome to bring stables and anything that can stand alone for your display as long as it’s within a reasonable parameter.  Check out our Pinterest boards for booth & vendor inspiration!

Will I have access to outlets?

We DO have access to outlets in the outdoor patio, as well as in the Marketplace Studio. Just let us know ahead of time so we will curate with these details in mind. You will need to provide your own extension cords and will also need to make sure there all cords are secure and not a tripping hazard. Outlets are limited throughout The Cloisters.

Can I share a booth?

We are only selecting vendors that are ready to showcase their best on their own.

How many vendors can you accept?

We have 7 spots for exclusive indoor vendors and can have 45+ outdoor vendors curated throughout the premices.

Do you offer vendor discounts?

The only discount we currently offer is a student discount. Be sure to specify what school you currently attend, and we will follow up with you to provide the appropriate link.

How do I know if I’ve been selected as a vendor?

You will receive an e-mail response within one week of confirming your acceptance as a vendor with a link to pay and reserve your booth. To reserve your booth your booth fee must be paid within 3 days of receiving your email confirmation.

Where is the space?

We will curate vendors throughout The Patio at Elm Creek and overflow to The Cloisters courtyard connected to Mezamiz Coffee Shop and the Makers + Creators Marketplace located at 3909 S. 7th. Indoor vendors will be curated within the studio space.

How will I know when and where to set up the day of the event?

All vendors will receive email communication leading up to the event. We will provide you with your booth number when you arrive. Our indoor vendors will be curated with a sign at their designated spot. Outdoor vendors will arrive and check-in at the front counter. From there, we will direct you on where to go.

What time can vendors set-up?

Out-door Vendor Set-up: NO EARLIER than 8:30am. MUST BE READY BY 10:45am.

In-door vendors can set-up the evening before anytime between 6pm - 9pm or during the same time as our outdoor vendors the next morning.

Is my booth fee refundable if I'm unable to make it the day of the event?

All booth fees for this pop-event are non-refundable. We encourage you to find a replacing vendor who would like to take your place. They will need to complete their vendor submission form as well. You’ll need to let us know who you plan on taking your place, and they will need to pay you for your refund.

What are we looking for in a vendor?

We are looking for handmade + unique quality products. Our mission is to create a fun and friendly environment that provides more exposure for small shops and creatives #whereyoulive. Our craft fair events exhibit handcrafted, original, and curated finds along with artists and musicians.

Can I sell edible goods?

Yes! You must be in accordance with the Texas Cottage Food Law.

Do I need a sales tax number?

APPP is not responsible for collecting or making sure you collect and report sales tax revenues. For more information you can go online at Home Comptroller.Texas.Gov or call them locally at (325) 695-4323.

Will there be a cover charge for the public?

There is no cover charge.

Parking options for Vendors?

You can park as close as the venue provides public parking for unloading / loading, but your car must be moved to further away parking as soon as your merch is unloaded. We want all vendors to access close parking for unloading, and all shoppers to access the closest parking for all the shopping. :)

What if we have bad weather the day of the event?

We will email & DM all vendors the night before the event to confirm cancellation. We will have the option to reschedule the event or apply your vendor fee to future pop-up. If you cannot attend the new date or next pop-up, we will issue you half of your booth fee and maintain half for our end providing all promotions and management leading up to the event.

What am I agreeing to as a vendor?

Here is the link to our Vendor Agreement Form. You only need to fill it out if you have applied to join as a vendor.

How do I join the Makers + Creators Marketplace as a vendor?

Here is the link with all the info + vendor application! JOIN THE MARKETPLACE

For more inquiries, please feel free to send us an email at


Makers + Creators Marketplace / The Cloisters

3909 S. 7th Mezamiz Coffee Shop location