Meet the makers + creators of handmade handpicked small shops we love!
Grab a bite from the local food trucks don't miss our Holiday Bar brought to you by Abi-Haus! Make memories with our hashtag photo booths and enjoy chill vibes with our DJ + LIVE MUSIC as you shop from the heart! This event features over 50 pop-ups from across Central and West Texas, from cities such as Austin, Denton, Abilene, San Antone, Dallas, and in between!
Specialty Features Include:
- Our Wellness + Beauty Spa Tent
- First ever Man Cave + Mini Ping-Ping Tournament
- Creative Bakers Corner benefiting Baba's Glory
- Plus be sure to catch Pour Man's Pour Over coffee experience
- And Simply Encourage Photobooth brought to you by Saint Francis Community Services
General Admission at the door. Children 12 and under free.
$5 for 13 and up. $3 with student ID.
Event Details:
Wellness + Beauty Spa Tent: Co-created by EssentiallyWellCo., this segment will feature handcrafted candles, soaps, body treatments + complimentary DYI holiday bath samples. We'll also be working with local message therapist Chrysalis Spa + Abilene Yoga House, Simply More Snacks, The Den: a Wellness Place, and more TBA to bring you the best of the best when it comes to living a beautifully curated lifestyle of health and wellness!
The APPP Man Cave: We've curated a cozy room entirety dedicated to the men in our lives, however all are welcome! Grab some home brewed samples from Big Country Homebrewers Association, a four-minute message from Breathe Massage Therapy, plus some action with our Mini Ping Pong Tournament hostes by Horizon Images & Forrest Woodworks + more TBA! SO stoked about this segment of our event!
Creative Bakers Corner: Shop handmade treats & homemade baked goods brought to you by the locals. This segment of our event is hosted by our partnering non-profit Baba's Glory. 70% of these booth fees will go to benefit our partnering non-profit +100% of the organizations baked goods sales.
A People Party Productions proudly presents the first ever VIP After Party for our next People Party Craft Fair Dec 9th, with co-host Betty&June boutique bringing an exclusive hour and a half pop-up.
Doors will reopen for this event from 7pm - 8:30pm. Only the first 50 to purchase a ticket will be admitted from the general public. Simply show your ID at the door to be marked off the list. Link below to pruchase your ticket.
Enjoy the newest venue in Downtown Abilene with full access to the balcony & Public-Haus pop-up bar. DJ spins provided by Jared Anderson.
Mingle with the makers + creators and sponsors of the #peoplepartycraftfair, plus complimentary sweets & treats provided by Brandt Cakes & Sabrina's Pastries!
Purchase at Betty & June located at 189 Pine St. in Downtown Abilene, TX or now online!
Only 50 tickets available for purchase. Link below!
#peoplepartycraftfair #abilenetx #shopsmall #whereyoulive
Meet Our Partners | Music Lineup | Event Sneak Peak!